
How to Fix Ring Camera Not Detecting Motion?

The Ring camera is another magnificent security camera with remarkable security features. This camera’s unique qualities enhance its functionality and provide the best performance. You must set up and configure this camera correctly to make the most of it. However, you can face issues with your Ring camera as well. For instance, the Ring camera not detecting motion is a problem that could arise commonly. There’s nothing to be worried about with this issue, as you can easily solve it. You can use the troubleshooting methods to fix this problem.

If you are facing the Ring stick up camera not detecting motion issue as well, don’t worry. We have brought you the ultimate post to help users through this problem. In this post, we’ll discuss the causes for the Ring camera motion detection not working. Then we will cover the troubleshooting methods you can use to fix the issue.

Why My Ring Camera Is Not Detecting Motion?

Why My Ring Camera Is Not Detecting Motion?

To fix the Ring camera does not detect motion, you need to figure out the reason as well. Some reasons are as follows:

  • Improper power source
  • Poor WiFi connection
  • Motion detection is off
  • Notifications are off
  • Motion zones aren’t created

These are some factors responsible for the Ring camera not detecting motion. Now, we can discuss the troubleshooting methods.

Troubleshooting the Ring Stick Up Camera Not Detecting Motion

Troubleshooting the Ring Stick Up Camera Not Detecting Motion

When you know the reason behind the issues, you can fix the issue effectively. Thus, you can figure out the reason for the issue from the above section. The troubleshooting methods for the Ring camera does not detect motion issues are as follows:

Inspect the Power Source

  • Ensure to plug the camera into a stable power source for proper functioning.
  • Thus, you must plug the Ring camera into a reliable power source.
  • Check the current power source of the camera and ensure it’s working.
  • Otherwise, you must plug the camera into another outlet.
  • During the event, the power could be out causing the feature to not work.
  • The ring camera motion detection not working issue should be gone.

Connect to the WiFi

  • The camera also requires a proper WiFi connection to function effectively.
  • Without a proper WiFi connection, the camera will not work at all.
  • Thus, ensure to connect the camera to a stable WiFi for this feature to work.
  • If the camera is having trouble connecting to the WiFi, you need to see to it.
  • You can try reconnecting the camera to the WiFi to fix this issue.

Fix your Router

  • There could be issues within the router preventing you from connecting.
  • You can try rebooting, updating the firmware, or resetting the camera to fix it.
  • To fix the Ring camera motion detection not working issue, you must connect to WiFi.
  • After troubleshooting your router, you can reconnect the camera to the internet.

Move the Camera Closer to the Router

  • Another reason the camera is not connecting to the WiFi could be the distance between them.
  • Thus, ensure to install the Ring camera inside the router’s range for a seamless connection.
  • If the camera is too far from the router, it will have trouble detecting the router’s network.
  • So, you can move the camera closer to the router to connect. You can also move the router near the router to connect successfully.
  • This should fix my ring camera is not detecting motion issues. Now, you can reconnect the camera to the WiFi.

Enable Motion Detection

  • Another reason the Ring camera does not detect motion is the feature is off.
  • For motion detection to work, you need to enable this feature from the app.
  • If the feature is off, the Ring camera not detecting motion issues will persist.
  • Thus, you must go to the app, enable motion detention and configure the settings.

Configure the Settings

  • Once you have enabled motion detection, that’s not all, you must configure the settings.
  • Thus, you need to open the app and set the motion zones, and modify them accordingly.
  • In motion zones, you need to enter the areas where you want to receive notifications for.
  • If you are not receiving notifications, you must enable notifications as well.
  • Also, make sure the motion schedule isn’t enabled as it can cause issues too.
  • This should fix the ring stick up camera not detecting motion issues.

These are some methods you can use to fix the Ring camera not detecting motion. Now, the motion detection should be working properly. If the issue persists or another arises, you can reach out to our team now.


Why is my Ring camera not detecting motion?

The Ring camera not detecting motion is an issue that could arise due to several reasons. A major issue could be, the motion detection feature is disabled. Another could be, the motion zones aren’t configured properly. Thus, ensure to configure the settings properly.

How often should I clean and maintain my Ring camera?

You should clean the Ring camera frequently. The proper maintenance of the camera is very crucial, as it can hinder its performance. You must clean the camera properly and regularly to obtain the best view. Otherwise, you will receive a bad view and the camera will not work effectively.

Why is my Ring camera not working?

The Ring camera not working issue could arise due to various reasons. Check the power source of the camera and ensure the camera has a proper source. Also, ensure to connect the camera to a stable WiFi connection to get the camera back on track. Otherwise, the camera will not work properly.