Ring Doorbell Flashing Blue

Ring Doorbell Flashing Blue. How to Fix it?

Blue flashing Ring doorbell is a serious issue. One will keep wondering why is my Ring doorbell flashing blue light if it occurs for the first time. Although the doorbell flashing blue is a serious issue, you can easily fix it by following some effective troubleshooting steps. All you have to do is, proactively counter the issues and your device will be working fine once again. 

Ring doorbell is one of the best smart doorbells on the market and you can easily install it on your own. These doorbells are also compatible with the majority of home automation and security systems. In case you have recently purchased the Ring doorbell and faced this issue, you first need to learn the different patterns of the blue flashing Ring doorbell and what it actually indicates. 

So let’s figure out everything about the Ring doorbell flashing blue light issue and how to fix it without much hassle.

Patterns of Ring doorbell flashing blue 

It is quite important for you to learn the different patterns of blue flashing Ring doorbell. Once you learn these patterns and their indications, you can easily fix the Ring doorbell flashing blue light issue. 

  • Blue light goes On and Off: The Ring doorbell is rebooting or starting up.
  • Doorbell flashing blue upwards: The Ring doorbell setup is complete and all set for use. 
  • Top-half blue light flashing: Wrong WiFi password entered during the setup. 
  • Quick blue flashing Ring doorbell: The device has been successfully restored to the factory default settings. 
  • Blue light spinning: The button on your device was pressed. 
  • Solid blue light: Two-way audio is in use at present.

How to fix the Ring doorbell flashing blue issue?

If you notice your Ring doorbell flashing blue and not connecting, do not worry. In this section, we will show you how you can resolve the issue on your own. Kindly follow the steps very carefully. 

  1. First of all, make sure the WiFi network at your home is free from any sort of glitch or issue. 
  2. After that, please ensure that your WiFi router is running in an optimized state. 
  3. Kindly ensure that there are no frequent drop-offs on your network. 
  4. Please make sure the WiFi router is getting an adequate power supply. 
  5. If the issue does not go off, kindly reboot your WiFi router and the Ring doorbell device. 
  6. Wait for a few seconds and then check whether the doorbell flashes blue or not. 
  7. If you notice a blue flashing Ring doorbell, make sure you update the firmware of your device.
  8. You can use the Ring app on your smartphone to update your doorbell’s firmware. 

What if the Ring doorbell flashes blue during the setup?

When your device is in setup mode, the blue light will spin. The blue light will not flash during the setup process. The blue light will flash upwards to indicate that it is trying to connect to your home WiFi network. 

If you enter the wrong WiFi password during the WiFi setup, the blue light will flash in the top half. In this case, you need to re-enter the WiFi password correctly. Once you complete the Ring doorbell setup, the blue light will flash four times, and then it will show up a white circle in order to indicate that it is ready to be used. 

Bottom line 

The blue flashing Ring doorbell can make you worry about a number of issues that might be there on the network or the device. If you notice your Ring doorbell flashing blue, first of all, you should reboot your Ring doorbell device. After that, make sure the WiFi router is working properly. If you are setting up your doorbell for the first time, make sure you enter the correct WiFi password.

It is very important that you update your doorbell’s firmware on a regular basis or whenever the newer version is available. So this post was all about the doorbell flashing blue light issue. We hope this post helped you learn the blue light troubleshooting steps on your Ring doorbell and the different patterns of the light. 

If you still come across any issues, kindly reach out to us for more help.