Ring Doorbell Won't Connect To Wifi

Ring Doorbell not Connecting to WiFi. How to Fix it?

You will notice your Ring doorbell won’t connect to WiFi even if there is the slightest drop in internet connectivity. If the Ring doorbell not connecting to wifi during setup, it means there is some sort of error or glitch on your network. This is not the case with the Ring video doorbell only. All smart home devices are prone to connectivity issues if your home network comes across some technical difficulties. 

Talking about the reason why this could be happening in your case, it mostly happens due to frequent network drop-offs or other reasons related to the network. Here are some of the most common issues that make this situation come up:

Reasons for Ring doorbell not connecting to WiFi issue 

  • Power outage on your WiFi router
  • WiFi router placed far away from the router 
  • New modifications on your wireless network
  • MAC filtration feature enabled on your wireless network
  • Issues with the battery of the Ring doorbell
  • Ring video doorbell not connected to the Base

Steps to fix Ring doorbell not connecting to WiFi

Now, if the Ring doorbell won’t connect to WiFi, you know what could be the reason for this. In this part of the post, we will also learn what to do if the Ring doorbell not connecting to WiFi during setup issue comes up. Kindly start with the troubleshooting steps as follows:

  1. Reboot or refresh

Firstly, give your Ring doorbell and router a power cycle. In simple words, reboot both devices by cutting off the power supply and then restoring it after a few minutes. Make sure your Ring and the router reboot properly after the power cycle. 

  1. Fix the Ring doorbell battery

In case your Ring doorbell’s batteries are dead and your Ring doorbell won’t connect to WiFi. Here’s what you can do to resolve the battery issues. Firstly, remove the battery from the Ring video doorbell and then reinsert it. 

  1. Cross-check the network settings
  • It is important that you cross-check the settings of your WiFi network. 
  • First of all, make sure the Network Name and Network Key are not changed on your home network. 
  • Login to the WiFi router and verify that the MAC filtration is disabled. 
  • Check whether the internet service is active on the network. 
  • If the settings are changed on your network, you need to reconnect your Ring doorbell to the network using the Ring app. 
  • You can use the free Ring app on your iOS or Android smartphone. 
  1. Remove disturbances from the network

This is the most important point of all. In this step, you need to make sure wireless devices are not surrounding the router and the Ring Base. Devices like microwave, television, WiFi gadgets, etc can disturb the network. Moreover, ensure that the thick walls and metal objects don’t surround Ring Base and the router. 

Finally, the Ring doorbell not connecting to WiFi issue will be resolved. 

Bottom line 

This post was all about the Ring doorbell not connecting to WiFi issue. We hope that this post helped you learn the causes of the issue and how to resolve it proactively. If you face any other issues with your Ring doorbell, we recommend you get in touch with our support team for more help.